Drawings of Famous Physicists

Carl David Anderson
Henri Antoine Becquerel
Niels Bohr (1) , (2)
Karl Ferdinand Braun
Georges Charpak
Clyde Cowan
John Dalton
Prince Louis-Victor Pierre Raymond deBroglie
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
Albert Einstein
Enrico Fermi
Richard Phillips Feynman (1) , (2)
Harald Fritzsch
Galileo Galilei
Hans Geiger
Murray Gell-Mann
Sheldon Lee Glashow
Otto Hahn
Werner Heisenberg
Hermann von Helmholtz
Heinrich Hertz
Robert Hofstadter
Ernest Orlando Lawrence
Leon M. Lederman
Philipp Lenard
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz
James Clerk Maxwell
Simon van der Meer
Robert A. Millikan
Yoichiro Nambu
Yuval Ne'eman
Sir Isaac Newton (1) , (2)
Wolfgang Pauli
Martin Perl
Max Planck
Frederick Reines
Burton Richter
Carlo Rubbia
Sir Ernest Rutherford
Erwin Schrödinger
Julian Seymour Schwinger
Arnold Sommerfeld
Sir Joseph John Thomson
Samuel Chao Chung Ting
Sin-Itiro Tomonaga
Rolf Wideroe
C.S. Wu
Chen Ning Yang
G. Zweig

These black-and-white sketches of physicists are taken from the rororo book "Besuch im Teilchenzoo" by Pedro Waloschek. They were created by Iutta Waloschek. Permission to use the pictures is granted free of charge for educational and scientific purposes. The original vector graphics versions (Coral Draw format) are available from the authors.

© April 8, 1997. Joachim Reinhardt