Pictures of Famous Physicists

The complete Picture Gallery (343 pictures, text-based version, alphabetically sorted)
Thumbnail-enhanced showrooms of the gallery
Pre-20th century (32 pictures)
Pioneers of Quantum Theory (20 pictures)
Theoreticians (35 pictures)
Experimentalists (part 1) (24 pictures)
Experimentalists (part 2) (24 pictures)
Nobel prize 1971-1980 (25 pictures)
Nobel prize 1981-1990 (23 pictures)
Nobel prize since 1991 (13 pictures)
Albert Einstein (63 pictures)
Group photographs (24 pictures)

The Nobel Prize winners in physics 1901-1998 (some pictures are still missing)

Black-and-white drawings of physicists by I. Waloschek (53 pictures)

Physics-related postage stamps (241 pictures)

Portraits from the other side of science (6 pictures)

For private use only! Some of the pictures may by protected by copyright.

© Nov. 20, 2001. Joachim Reinhardt